Submit your acequia photo and you could win $200!

NMAA is currently accepting photo submissions. The winner will be announced at the 12th annual Congreso de las Acequias in Santa Fe on November 12th. The top photos will be featured in a 2012 Acequia Calendar which will be sold at the Congreso as part of our fundraising efforts.
Photo Categories:
Acequia Landscape: Photos in this category include the acequia landscape that will show off your farm and/or ranch; including but not limited to scenic photos of your crops and/or animals, planting fields, etc.
Acequias: This is an opportunity to capture the unique acequia features that show off the ingenuity of our ancestors' traditional engineering. This category includes anything and everything about your acequia. Some examples include photos of your limpia, unique infrastructure, first opening of the acequia in spring, picturesque winter photos, etc.
Regando: Photos in this category include snapshots of parciantes irrigating fields, and any other photos related to irrigating.
Food and Seed Traditions: Photos in this category should cover acequia food traditions. Examples include making chicos, food preservation, matanza, photos of your horno, harvesting, close-up photos of your produce, seed saving, etc.
We also strongly encourage submitting winter and fall photos (harvest, matanza, snowpack above fields, etc)
Photo Submission Guidelines:
Email photo submissions to by September 15th