Sembrando Semillas Update

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By Juliet Garcia-Gonzales

During the month of May, the Chamisal Sembrando Semillas Youth Group planted approximately 45 rows on 2 acres of irrigated land. A group that varied daily from 4-12 youth planted havas, alberjon, calabaza nativa, maiz blanco, maiz azul, frijol de bolita, papas, radishes, carrots, bok choy, lettuces, and a variety of seeds that have been collected over the past few years from seed exchanges. Last week the temperature dropped to below freezing and we lost some of the seedlings, and unfortunately, we also lost some fruit. We remain hopeful though as many seeds are still in the process of germinating, and haven't yet sprouted.

This past week, four youth and two adult chaperones participated in the annual Organizing Youth Engagement Conference (OYE!) in Albuquerque. This was a 3-day collaborative effort of organizations that provide leadership development opportunities for youth. They were able to learn skills in creating positive change in our communities, including bully prevention, financial literacy, employment skills, teen dating violence, artists creating change, and participated in fun activities including swimming, a night at Cliff's Amusement Park, and an evening of dancing with peers from throughout the state. The youth are all from the Sierra, so they are grateful for the exposure, and a chance to get to the city, but come home drained from the heat that Albuquerque offers this time of year.

This week we are working on making Traditional Micaceous Clay Pots, and have a calendar full of activities for the summer.