Youth Opportunity: Colorado River Rafting Trip

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DSC00251Below are the details for an all-expense paid Colorado River rafting trip in the Grand Canyon.

The New Mexico Acequia Association is partnering with Nuestro Rio, a membership organization in five Southwestern states dedicated to protection of the Colorado River, to educate youth on the significance of the river to the cultural, environmental, and agricultural heritage of the Latino/Hispanic communities of the Southwest.  Nuestro Rio is seeking youth to apply for participation in a Colorado River rafting trip to be held in mid-August. Nuestro Rio will be coordinating this youth educational opportunity and the New Mexico Acequia Association is assisting in identifying potential youth participants who are high school students or recent high school graduates.  

To apply, youth ages 15 through 18 should submit a 500 word essay on the following topic:  The importance of New Mexico rivers and the Colorado River to me, my family, and my community. 

Youth applicants should include in their essays personal stories about their connection to water as well some reflections about the significance of New Mexico's rivers and the Colorado River to the cultural and environmental heritage of the Southwest.  Although the Colorado River does not flow through New Mexico, some its tributaries cross the northwestern part of the state and the Rio Grande carries some its water through the San Juan – Chama diversion project that augments the supplies of water on the Rio Grande.

Essays should be submitted to in PDF format by July 17th at 10:00pm.