New Mexico 1st Presents: “Resilience in New Mexico Agriculture Regional Meeting”

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It takes a diverse network of farmers, ranchers, processors, distributors and market organizers to make a difference in the future of agriculture. Join us to discuss your best ideas for ensuring a robust food and agriculture system in New Mexico.

Eleven meetings are scheduled from December 2015 through March 2016 to bring together a diverse group of agriculture stakeholders to identify industry trends, challenges and solutions.
Who Should Attend?
  • Farmers & ranchers
  • Commercial producers & marketers (e.g., process, store, distribute or market agricultural products)
  • Educators & researchers
  • Government employees (e.g., extension agent, water and environmental policy, food safety, etc.)
  • Financial lenders & grant makers (e.g., banker or philanthropist)
  • Advocates
  • Policymakers
  • Consumers
Statewide Schedule:
  • Albuquerque-January 13
  • Crownpoint (Tribal)-March 3
  • Espanola (Northern Pueblos)-February 10
  • Farmington-March 2
  • Laguna (Southern Pueblos)-January 14
  • Las Cruces-January 7
  • Roswell-December 2
  • Shiprock (Tribal)-March 4
  • Silver City-January 15
  • Taos-February 11
  • Tucumcari-March 9
There is no registration fee, but space is limited and food needs to be ordered, so reserve your seat now! Lunch will be served at each meeting.
 To register and learn more, go to the meeting website at Questions?

Contact us 505-225-2140 or