Crisp and Golden Fall in the Santa Barbara Watershed -Photo taken by Daniel Sonis
Dear Acequia Leader,
Thank you so much for your contributions to your local acequia. The New Mexico Acequia Association is conducting a statewide acequia needs assessment and we need your participation.
The New Mexico Acequia Association is a non-profit statewide organization of Acequias and Regional Association of Acequias. Our mission is to protect historic acequia water rights and strengthen agricultural traditions.
We are requesting your voluntary participation in filling out that attached Acequia Survey. Acequias are defined as local governments and the information requested is considered public information which would be shared with the state of New Mexico. Your participation supports acequias across the state.
Please note that every year we change and update many of the questions.
Please respond by December 11th at the latest.
Methods of response:
Call the NMAA office: You can dictate your responses to staff and be done!
Paper survey: Complete the enclosed survey and mail, fax or scan it back to us.
If you have any questions or if there is any way we can assist your acequia please feel free to contact Toribo at 505-995-9644 or Toribio@lasacequias.org