Acequia Art Contest
Adults: 19 and up
Youth: 18 years and under
“What does acequia culture mean to you?
“Why are acequias important to your family, culture, or community?”
*Submit poems, videos, paintings, sketches, mixed media, models, and MORE!
Art participants are limited to one entry.
Acequia Photo Contest
Photo Categories:
Acequieros Working the Land
Digitally Altered Imagery
Food and Seed Traditions
*Photo participants are limited to one entry per category.
You could win the following prizes:
1st Place: $60.00 & NMAA T-Shirt | 2nd Place: $40.00 & NMAA T-Shirt | 3rd Place: $20.00 & NMAA T-shirt *Winners will be recognized at the 2018 Congreso de las Acequias!
Art must be submitted by October 31, 2018
Submissions must be sent either by snail mail or electronically, in high resolution jpeg format. Please mail to NM Acequia Association 805 Early Street Bldg. B, Suite 203 Santa Fe, NM 87505 or email to olivia@lasacequias.org along with the following information:
Name of Artist | Town |
Acequia Name | County |
Art/photo description or title(s) |
Terms and conditions: Upon photo submission, you agree to the use of your work(s) in NMAA materials including but not limited to publications, calendar, website pages, and outreach materials. Photo credit will be given where appropriate.
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