Acequia Call to Action: Participate in Regional Water Planning Surveys

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By: Vidal Gonzales, Community Planner and Governance Specialist

NMAA encourages all acequia members, commissioners, mayordomo/as and regional leaders to actively engage the Interstate Stream Commission Water Planning Process. Currently, the best way to do this is to complete their online survey or “Online Townhall” at: 

The regional water planning process will have multiple steps and opportunities to participate over the next few years and we want acequias voices heard EVERY step of the way. Each regional water plan will have a major impact on the future of the basin you live in and we must advocate for acequia needs and interests.

When completing the survey we want to share some key points to consider. We know each region, acequia, and community is unique and you strongly urge acequias to share their knowledge and experience from a local perspective. From a statewide perspective we are uplifting the following:

  • A balance approached prioritizing:
    • Traditional agriculture (food sovereignty and local food systems, economic viability, cultural heritage)
    • Watershed/ecological health (to maintain the systems that provide water protecting quality and quantity)
    • Protect the health of our aquifers (support recharge, water budgets, ensure long term viability)
    • The right to water for future generations
  • Support acequia infrastructure, disaster recovery, and climate resiliency
  • Provide education and incentives to reduce domestic and industrial use and waste
  • Allocate funds for projects that are included in the regional water plans

Other points:

  • Uplift acequia water sharing as a key water management strategy

What is regional water planning? 

  • The current regional water planning efforts were written into state statute and were passed in the 2023 Water Security Planning Act. The act places the Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) as the entity responsible for conducting regional water planning. 
  • Governmental entities and stakeholders in each region will develop their own plan through a participatory process. The plans will contain recommendations for how to manage water in that region for years to come.

What is the purpose of regional water planning? 

  • The purpose of regional water planning is to identify water issues in New Mexico and create innovative solutions to drought, declining water supplies, and climate change. 

Why should I get involved? 

  • You should get involved so that your voice, concerns, and projects are being included and prioritized in the plans. Regional water plans may be considered in prioritization of infrastructure projects in the future. 

How to get involved? 

  • The next opportunity to engage with the planning process will be to provide comments to the draft rules, guidelines, and geography once they are created. Furthermore, there will be more opportunities to engage in the planning process once the rules, guidelines, and geography are finalized. 
  • As the rules are released we will detail additional ways you can engage your Regions planning process.

Where is ISC at in the planning process? 

  • ISC is currently developing the rules, guidelines, and geography for the planning process. After these items have been developed, ISC will start to gather input on the plans’ content. 

Is NMAA involved in the planning process? 

  • Yes, NMAA is involved in the planning process. We are working closely with ISC to create an acequia working group to provide guidance/recommendations in the planning process. We have been attending many of the open house meetings to provide recommendations and will continue to work with ISC to provide comments when the draft rules, guidelines, and geographies are created. 

Contact and  or call 505-995-9644 with questions.

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