The Acequia and Community Ditch Infrastructure Fund (ACDIF) is a State of New Mexico funding source offered to acequias/community ditches that are political subdivisions of the state through the Interstate Stream Commission. ACDIF provides funding for the planning, engineering design and/or construction of irrigation works of acequias or community ditches, including dams, reservoirs, diversions, ditches, flumes, or other appurtenances, for the purposes of restoration, repair, improvement of irrigation efficiency or protection from floods. ACDIF is the prime source of infrastructure funding for acequias/community ditches in the State of New Mexico.
ACDIF offers two application paths: engineering and construction.
-The first is for engineering design services for infrastructure improvements and funds up to $50,000 per applicant per state fiscal year. A professional engineering proposal is required to apply and ISC will fund 100% of the project. This application is due March 31st by 3:00 PM.
-The second is for construction services and funds up to $250,000 per applicant per state fiscal year. A professional engineering design with an engineering stamp is required to apply and ISC will fund 100% of the project (no cost share required). This application is due May 9th by 3:00 PM.
The NMAA Infrastructure team is here to assist you through the process of preparing for the application, answering questions and reviewing your application before submission.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for an online workshop on March 6, 2024 at 10:00am.
Visit us after the workshop to view to zoom recording of the workshop.
Click Here for an overview of the fund
Click Here to view the checklist for the ACDIF Application
Click Here for the Application Forms
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