Alert on Constitutional Amendment #3

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матрациThe General Election ballot includes a proposed amendment to the New Mexico Constitution to change the definition of qualified electors.  Constitutional Amendment #3 was well intentioned in that it sought to clarify that certain disabled people, felons, and adults of … Continued

De la Tierra a la Cosecha forum

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Please see the flyer (PDF)  for the De la Tierra a la Cosecha forum “Connecting Meat Producers to the Community Food System,” February 26 and 27 at the TCEDC Business Park in Taos. Sponsored by the Taos County Economic Development … Continued

Legislature Makes Budget Cuts

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The State Legislature is meeting in special session to address a shortfall in the budget for the fiscal year 2010 (July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010).  The shortfall is estimated to be around $650 million and will likely be … Continued

Hydrology Study Shows Benefits of Acequias

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Researchers at New Mexico State University have gathered data showing the hydrological benefits of acequias.  The results of the research are consistent with the observations of acequia communities for generations.  That is, acequias replenish aquifers, they improve groundwater quality, and … Continued

Governor Richardson Signs Water Rights Bill

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Last week, Governor Bill Richardson signed HB 40 (Bandy) a bill strongly backed by the New Mexico Acequia Association.  The press release is pasted below: For Immediate Release                                                              Contact: Alarie Ray-Garcia April 9, 2009                                                                                        (505) 476-2248 Governor … Continued

Legislative Update March 15

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>online casinoSenate Judiciary passed HB 40 (Limit Municipal Condemnation of Water Rights) yesterday evening unanimously and it now goes to the Senate floor where Senator Michael Sanchez will carry the bill.  If it passes the Senate tomorrow, it will go … Continued

Stimulus Package Unveiled

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The New Mexico Congressional Delegation announced the New Mexico package of the stimulus package. New Mexico will get $1.1 billion on a formula basis in which funds will flow from federal agencies to state agencies and, overall, is estimated … Continued