Summer with a Sembrador by Boden Franklin
On days that I work at the farm in Chamisal, I step out my front door at 5:45am. That early in the morning, the muted pink glow of the sun has just begun to color the lowest valleys and ridges … Continued
On days that I work at the farm in Chamisal, I step out my front door at 5:45am. That early in the morning, the muted pink glow of the sun has just begun to color the lowest valleys and ridges … Continued
By Donne Gonzales, NMAA Los Sembradores Farm Trainer There are a few things to think about when starting to plan a home garden with vegetables, fruits, and flowers. First, it’s important to consider if this garden is for your personal … Continued
Blog by Donne Gonzales, NMAA Farm Trainer Planting ‘three sisters’ May 2023 at the NMAA demonstration Farm As we roll into June many of us are finishing up with our spring planting. Our team wanted to share what we have … Continued
We are pleased to announce our 2023 cohort of Los Sembradores Farm Apprentices. The group has just begun their work together as of May, and will complete our learning in November 2023. Currently, the Sembradores are reflecting on their experience … Continued
HB 121, as passed by the House Judiciary Committee (HJC), protects due process in water lease applications and also creates a new process for “expedited leases.” The bill creates a new tool for the State Engineer for certain leases to be fast-tracked … Continued
Please join us in supporting two bills being heard in the Senate Conservation Committee which would increase funding for acequia disaster and infrastructure funding and more agency staff to complete acequia infrastructure projects statewide! SB 176 (Campos, Jaramillo, Stefanics) Acequia … Continued
Acequias gathered from across the state in Las Vegas, New Mexico for the annual Congreso de las Acequias on December 9th and 10th. The event featured informative workshops, roundtables, and performances. To view the final program click here: Congreso Final … Continued
Thank you to everyone who shared their art, stories and photography with the 2022 Acequia Art Contest. Explore the winning entries below. All work was also shared at the 2022 Congreso de Las Acequias on December 9th & 10th, 2022! … Continued
Thank you for your interest in joining us for Congreso 2020. Pre-registration to attend IN PERSON has closed. You may register in person on Friday or Saturday. If you would like to register for ONLINE ONLY participation – please complete … Continued
Acequia Parciantes living anywhere below the Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon Burn scar – the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) application is DUE JULY 1. This program is meant to mitigate loss of life and damage to property. Flood damage can occur 30 … Continued