Acequias Send Delegation to US Social Forum

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NMAA leaders will participate in the US Social Forum in Atlanta, Georgia, the motto of which is “another world is possible, another United States is necessary.” The forum will be a space for networking, relationship-building, and inspiration for community leaders from throughout the US. Between June 27 and July 1, the forum will include events, panels, plenaries, and actions and will culminate in a People’s Assembly of social movements on the last day. NMAA will present on the following two panels:

Water for People, Not for Profit! Grassroots Activists tell their Victory Stories

3:30 PM in Mediterranean room at the Atlanta Marriott Downtown

Food & Water Watch

The global movement to protect water for people and nature—not for profit—is one of the most vibrant and inspiring social movements today. Here in the U.S., we have our fair share of success stories. This workshop will feature inspiring stories of victory from states like New Mexico, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire, while also equipping participants with the tools to win.

Defending Our Water and Protecting Our Food: Bringing Family Farmers and Water Rights Advocates Together

10:30 AM in Apollo room at the Atlanta Marriott Downtown

Peoples Health Movement & Alliance for Democracy

This panel, developed in collaboration with a national coalition of water rights advocates, will explore the interactions between food security and water security from several perspectives, and offer models for action to protect these public goods.

For a list of the rural issue panels, see USSF Rural Issue Panels.

For more information about the US Social Forum, click here.

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