Deadline Extended for 2016 Acequia Photo Contest

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Enter your photograph and you could win cash prizes

1st Place- $150.00
2nd Place- $100.00
3rd Place- $50.00
*Your photo could be featured in NMAA Publications
Winners will be recognized at the 2016 Congreso de las Acequias
Photo Categories:
Acequias or Landscape
Photos in this category include photos of your limpia, unique infrastructure, first opening of the acequia in spring, picturesque winter photos, etc. the acequia landscape that show off your farm or ranch, including but not limited to scenic photos of your crops and/or animals, or photos of family working in the field.
*This category also includes, the acequia landscape that show off your farm or ranch, including but not limited to scenic photos of your crops and/or animals, or photos of family working in the field.
Digitally Altered Imagery
This is an opportunity to showcase your artistic ability in manipulating imagery through apps and programs like photoshop.


*This category allows you to create creative shots, colors, and style of your favorite photos or drawings related to your acequias, culture, and the other categories.

Photos in this category include photos of parciantes irrigating fields, and other photos related to irrigating.
Food and Seed Traditions
Photos in this category should cover acequia food traditions. Examples include making chicos, food preservation, harvesting, close-up photos of your produce, seed saving, and traditional family activities, etc.
Submissions must be sent electronically, in high resolution jpeg format. Please email photos to along with the following information:

  • Name of photographer
  • Acequia Name
  • Region (if applicable)
  • Town
  • County
  • Photo Description
Participants are limited to one photo per category!