18th Annual Congreso Feature

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Written by Olivia Romo, NMAA Staff On November 4, 2017 over 275 acequia farmers, leaders, and advocates gathered at the Santa Maria de la Paz parish hall in Santa Fe to honor the profound role acequias play in the future … Continued

2017 Agricultural Census

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Better data, better decisions: Upcoming census will capture a complete picture of New Mexico agriculture!    In just a few months, America’s farmers and ranchers will have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their communities and industry by … Continued

2017 Acequia Needs Assessment Survey

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  Dear Acequia Commissioner or Mayordomo, Thank you so much for your contributions to your local acequia. The New Mexico Acequia Association is conducting a statewide acequia needs assessment and we need your participation. The New Mexico Acequia Association is … Continued

Open Meetings Act Compliance for Acequias

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As political subdivisions, acequias are required to follow the Open Meetings Act, which is intended to allow the public access to decision-making by elected officials. The Open Meetings Act requires that meetings of the acequia be open to the public … Continued

East Rio Arriba YCC Acequia Mapping Project

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  Name of Supervisor: Marcos Valdez, East Rio Arriba SWCD District Manager Names of YCC Crew: Caitlin Ortega, Deandre Velasquez, Michael Purdy, and Chavela Trujillo. This project engaged local youth in conservation by applying technology to the importance of soil … Continued