Record Turnout for 2015 Congreso de las Acequias!!!
On Saturday, November 21, 2015, nearly 300 acequia leaders and supporters gathered at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque for the 16th Annual Congreso de las Acequias! It was a record turnout for an event that was packed with … Continued
What to Expect at Congreso de las Acequias
16th Annual Congreso de las Acequias National Hispanic Cultural Center Saturday, November 21st, 2015, 9:00am – 4:30pm (Albuquerque, NM). The New Mexico Acequia Association (NMAA) announces its 16th annual membership meeting, Congreso de las Acequias which will be held … Continued
2015 Acequia Awards
New Mexico Acequia Association proudly presents the Organization of the Year Award to "Taos Soil and Water Conservation District" Acequias have been a top priority for TSWCD since their inception in 1941. In the 1990's, the District began funding … Continued
Agenda for Congreso
2015 Congreso de las Acequias Saturday, November 21, 2015 National Hispanic Cultural Center 8:00am REGISTRATION 9:00am Welcome and Opening Remarks Santiago Maestas, South Valley Regional Association of Acequias Harold Trujillo, New Mexico Acequia Association Canción de … Continued
Limited Edition 2016 Acequia Calendar Available at Congreso!
Featuring: Pueblo Feast Days, Dichos, Saint Days, Justice Days, Hunting & Fishing Seasons, and Important NMAA Events Get your special edition 2016 Acequia Calendar featuring acequias state wide! Acequia Calendars make great Christmas Gifts for your hardworking Acequieros! … Continued
Guest of Honor at Congreso 2015
Featuring Tom Blaine, New Mexico State Engineer We are pleased to announce that Tom Blaine, the State Engineer will be presenting this year at the Congreso on Acequia Current Issues and Vision for the Future! ~ ~ … Continued
Acequia Photo Contest Winner
Congratulations to Jacinta C. Chavez "Acequia del Marrano in Los Cordovas, Taos NM"
Agenda: Bendicion de las Aguas
This is a reminder to bring your waters from your precious stream system. Please harvest a jar of water from your acequia, river, or creek that nourishes your family, crops, and community to be blessed and united with waters … Continued
Guest of Honor at Congreso 2015
Featuring the Centennial Poet of New Mexico Levi Romero is from the Embudo Valley of New Mexico, he earned a BA and an MA in architecture from the University of New Mexico. A bilingual poet whose language is immersed in … Continued