Celebrating Land-based Life-ways
The Taos County Economic Development Corp (TCEDC) and NMAA are co-sponsoring the Rancher & Producer Forum and Spring Market in Taos on April 5th and 6th. Click on the image to view the detailed program.
The Taos County Economic Development Corp (TCEDC) and NMAA are co-sponsoring the Rancher & Producer Forum and Spring Market in Taos on April 5th and 6th. Click on the image to view the detailed program.
The Rio Arriba County Food and Ag Policy Council's second annual winter event will be held February 22 & 23rd. On the 22nd there will be a farm tour so please sign up to visit many of the local farms … Continued
Water and Acequias at the State Legislature. Water issues have received some attention from policymakers in recent weeks because of mounting pressures related to drought and water scarcity. The Senate, in particular, has have two major briefings on water policy … Continued
By Paula Garcia When State Engineer Scott Verhines presented at the 2012 Congreso de las Acequias, he noted that the past two years were the warmest and driest on record. Acequia irrigators from throughout the state of New Mexico could … Continued
By Quita Ortiz For the past decade, Dr. Sam Fernald, a watershed management professor in the Range Sciences Department at New Mexico State University, has led an effort to research acequias, New Mexico’s centuries-old irrigation and water governance system, in … Continued
This is an opportunity to learn how to be an organic farmer in northern New Mexico! Training is led by experienced organic farmers Don Bustos, Patrick Jaramillo, and Jennie London using a hands-on approach, 3 days a week. Commitment is … Continued
At left: State Engineer, Scott Verhines, at the 2012 Congreso de las Acequias. Photo by Seth Roffman. Congreso de las Acequias By Quita Ortiz The 13th annual Congreso de las Acequias took place in mid-November in Santa Fe. Considering our … Continued
New Programs to Maintain Ancient Traditions By Serafina Lombardi The New Mexico Acequia Association hosted a farmer/rancher outreach workshop in Chimayo on December 13th. On the eve of a potential snow the 50 plus participants at the work sent up … Continued
Escuelita de las Acequias: Reflections on the Past Year By Pilar Trujillo For many of us, 2012 has been a year of growth which inevitably brings many opportunities for change. For the New Mexico Acequia Association, many changes have occurred … Continued
By Toby Velasquez Astride the rural community of Mesa Poleo, near Coyote in Rio Arriba County, the Acequia Mesa del Medio meanders from its subterranean diversion at Rito Resumidero below the San Pedro Parks Wilderness to bring life – "El … Continued