UNM Acequia Field School

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June 2 through 27, UNM and NMAA will cosponsor the 3rd Annual Acequias y Mercedes Documentary Field School.  This is a summer class offerred through UNM and will include a field based survey of the acequia culture and landscapes of … Continued

NMAA Announces Spring Workshops

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Acequias have governed themselves for hundreds of years and continue to manage water through unique local customs.  NMAA launched the Acequia Governance Project to build upon this legacy and also adapt to new challenges.  Water has always been scarce in … Continued

Acequias Take Action on Water Issues

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ACEQUIAS TAKE ACTION ON WATER ISSUES On Saturday, December 1st, acequia leaders from throughout New Mexico convened for the Congreso de las Acequias. Over 150 people from every corner of the state joined to strategize on defense of acequias. “We … Continued