The Art of Acequia Irrigation

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By Miguel Santistevan Irrigating the land can be the best part of the acequia season next to the harvest.  After all the meetings, the acequia cleanings, and hours upon hours of getting the land ready; there is hardly a feeling … Continued

Acequia Audit & Budget Requirements

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Great Grandfather's Ledger- Photo taken by Sarah Rivera-Cordova   As political subdivisions of the state, acequias are required to comply with the Audit Act, which includes the Tiered Reporting System for any entities with under $750,000 in annual revenue. Additionally, … Continued

Meet the Farmer Apprentices

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  2017 Farmer Apprenticies: l to r: Nicanor Ortega, Matthew Encinas and Shane Tolbert -Photo by Donne Gonzales    The NMAA is excited to introduce the apprentices for our new Los Sembradores Farmer Training initiative, which started in February. The … Continued

Acequia Voting & Proxies

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  By Enrique Romero, NM Legal Aid May an Acequia allow voting by proxy?  If so, what are some concerns or issues that may come up regarding proxy voting? The term “proxy” and “proxy voting” are terms used primarily in … Continued